Monday, September 28, 2015

Our Normal

Well here we sit on our last three days of our "normal" life. What is normal anyway? I've been making a big effort to go visit Darren at work more, whether just meeting him for lunch or visiting him when I get work. I love being able to visit him and call him whenever I want, so I'm going to miss that a lot.

We had a great last weekend. We watched OU hockey, played 3 games of mini-golf, went to the Oklahoma State Fair, ate at Spaghetti Warehouse and the Cow Café, and played one game of laser tag. I love our kind of fun! We've been trying to fit as much fun as we can in and while it can be a little exhausting and expensive, I know it will be worth it.

This weekend Darren has drill and the base is also holding a spouse appreciation day on Saturday that I'm going to go to. We get served pancakes and lunch and we also get a tour of the base. I am pretty excited! Other than that we are just living our normal the best we can, and trying to keep our mind off the upcoming months. Our family and our cats help with that a lot!

I've recently starting reading again. Growing up, you wouldn't see me without a book in my hand. I miss it a lot and have tried to get back into it over the years. I hate it, but I think electronics have taken over. So I've decided to read out of my book a little each day, at least one chapter. I'm reading my Redwall books that I loved. That will take a while and it will keep me very busy this winter!

Monday, September 14, 2015

LaKous Life

Our wedding day went just like I dreamed it would! It was romantic, beautiful, and lots of fun! I stressed out a little in the morning, but once we got to the church, it was pretty smooth sailing for the rest of the day. We had decorated our reception site the day before so I am sure that helped. At first the day started out super slow, but once the wedding was over, it went by much faster. I think I was just anticipating seeing Darren for the first time, that it made the morning go so slow. We did see each other before the wedding, but it was just him and me and the photographer in the sanctuary. We didn't want our guests to have to wait a long time after the wedding to eat. It worked out great for us! I think it helped us both calm our nerves before the wedding too.

We made a slideshow to be shown before the wedding. At 4:55 they turned that off and Melba started playing "Pachelbel's Canon in D." This was the song that Darren, the groomsmen, and all the grandparents came out to. My mother and his mother walked in together to "Mama's Song", with his sisters following behind. I am so glad that our mothers have become such good friends! There is about a 19 year age difference between the two of them, but they still manage to have a good time when together. Then my bridesmaids, flowers girls, and the ring bearer walked into the sanctuary to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Then it was my turn to come in! My dad and my step-dad walked me down the aisle. It was really special. We picked out a scripture for Pastor Stephanie to read, then my sister Kasie picked one out and read it to us. We did our unity candle to "Forever Like That." We sad our vows, exchanged our rings, kissed, and walking out to "I Do." Then we greeted our family in the back room and then our guests sent us away with bubbles.

Everything was perfect. The dress that I wasn't so sure about, ended up being the dress I had never felt more beautiful in. Mom wants to get it cleaned and box, but I'm not so sure. I want to put it on every August 29th, so I may just have it cleaned. At the reception we bustled my long train up, and it made it so much easier to dance in. I am not one to dance, neither is Darren, but we danced, drank, and talked almost the entire night. Stagecoach catered for us, and while it was pretty expensive, it was so delicious and the service was top notch. I am pretty sure it was the best night of my life!

Now, I'm working on getting all my accounts changed to my new name. I made a new email too, so I have to change that on all my accounts as well. It's very time consuming. My new social security card should be here soon, I'm going tomorrow to get my new drivers license, and Thursday we are both taking off early to drive up and get my military ID. I am hoping I can persuade him to stop at Chipotle or Genghis as a celebration to getting all this stuff done so fast! That shouldn't be too hard as he loves both of those places as well :)