About "LaKous Life"

"LaKous Life" involves two people, Kaitie and Darren, who are happy in love. We share our life with our cats Sophie, Darby, and Ruth Ann so far. They are our fur-babies, and yes, they do get grounded when they are bad. We are excited to see what the futures holds.

D works full-time in Ark City as a Branch Specialist at a local heating and air place and is also in the Kansas Air National Guard. Some of his hobbies include hockey (this is his way of life), geocaching, his PS4, and researching. He is currently working on his bachelors, then hopefully I can convince him to start on his MAC. He would love to be an accountant at a big firm someday.

I, Kaitlyn, work at Cowley College. Some of my hobbies include Netflix (it's a way of life), any Mario game, reading, shopping, and organizing. I received my bachelors degree in December 2014 and maybe someday I will actually do something with it.

As you can see my nickname is Kaitie, but to Darren, I am his sweet honey bear and he is my sweet dare bear :) I will stop being gushy now. I am told this will wear off the longer we are married.

This was our first picture taken together over Labor Day Weekend 2013. Little did we know just two years later we would be getting married.

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