Monday, January 4, 2016

Marriage: Month 4

Well Darren and I are officially 1/4 of the way done with our first year of marriage!

This month we learned even more about communication than we ever have before. Being over 6,000 miles apart will do that to a couple. We use FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, and email as our three main forms of communication, with Facetime being the biggest. We have even utilized Facebook calls as a way to communicate with FaceTime doesn't quite work right. Who knew! Technology has played a huge part of keeping us connected while he is gone. I would be lost without it.

We started praying every night on FaceTime together. It's one of my most favorite parts of the day and soothes me a little bit before I *try* to go to sleep. Before he left I was all about my sleep, but now, it's hard to sleep when he's not beside me. In turn, I watch Netflix. Technology, though. Isn't it the greatest? We have also started doing daily devotionals every evening. He's usually at work and I'm sitting in my comfy bed with HGTV on in the background. Today will only be day 4 of that. I think it will help us learn even more about each other.

The topic of kids comes up quite a bit in our conversations, and I may or may not have already bought baby L something. Before he left, we were both all about trying when he comes back. Now, we aren't quite sure. We want to be selfish and take some time to ourselves and just be us for awhile longer. I feel kinda robbed of time with him leaving the country after only two months of marriage, and I know he feels the same way. We are both young so I don't see it as a big issue :)

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