Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Let's talk about weight

As many of you know, I had weight issues as a teen. It all started with the dreaded puberty changes. Eventually I was diagnosed with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. That messes with your hormone levels and weight, and if not treated it's very hard to conceive a child. Thankfully I got help for it in 2008 and have been on medicine to help get my hormones in check. Being overweight doesn't help the hormone situation either. 

My highest weight was back in 2012 when I weighed in at 230 or more. I was a size 22 jeans and size 1 top at Maurice's. I was miserable. I tried losing weight on my own with my Wii Fit, walking video, and cutting calories. I lost about 10 pounds but I just wasn't very motivated and was depressed. I had no job and no boyfriend and I always wondered what the point of my life was.

My mom and I joined weight watchers in April 2012. I had major success with that! It took me a year and a half to get down to 126 pounds. I was a size 5/6 jeans at Maurice's, a size 4 jean at Kohl's, and in small tops. Even though I had (still have) an abundance of excess skin, I was loving life! I had (still have) a great job and I finally had my confidence and happiness back. Something was missing, however. 

I started an online dating profile. I talked to two guys for a brief period and Darren was the 3rd one I talked to. He was the 1st one I ever met. We clicked right away and enter the time period of throwing all my weight loss goals in the air. I was happy in love! 

I am now 155 pounds. I did manage to get down to 147 for my wedding and my dress fit so perfect! I'm currently in a size 7/8 jean at Maurice's and medium tops. Although I still look great, I feel gross. I am tired all the time, I can't work out as hard at the gym, and I'm just so stinking mad at myself for gaining almost 30 pounds. The thing is I know what it will take to get back down and it's just seems so easy. It's not though and because of my PCOS, my body likes to hold on to the weight for some reason, so it takes a lot of extra effort on my part.

For right now, I am taking a break until November. When November comes I will get back with it. I at least want to be 130 pounds by next summer. I want my hubby to have a happy, beautiful, and sexy wife when he comes home. Although he thinks I am those things now :) It's more for me than him. So wish me luck with my new weight loss goals! 

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