Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Meet Kaitlyn

Name: Kaitlyn LaKous

Favorite food? If I'm eating out I want Chipotle or Genghis Grill. My favorite home cooked meal is swiss steak with green peppers and onions over rice.

Favorite song? Anything by TSwift and Carrie Underwood

Are you a morning or night person? Uh neither! I'm always ready to sleep.

Favorite childhood television program? Growing up I'd always watch I Love Lucy reruns. In fact, I want to name my daughter Lucy! I also loved 90's Nickelodeon. TV these days just isn't what it used to be, so now I watch a lot of Netflix.

What is usually your first thought in the morning? I wonder what Darren is up to.

What is your favorite color? Any shade of blue.

Have any bad habits: I bite my nails. I was able to stop for the months leading up to our wedding, but once those fake nails came off I started chewing again!

List three of your best personality traits: Honest, affectionate, and friendly.

List three of your worst personality traits: Self critical, indecisive, and stubborn.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? St. Thomas. Can't beat the beachy life!

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? England or France. Can't decide!

Name 1 regret you have? Not having the "normal" college experience.

Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid? Sunday dinner at Nannie and Papa's house. They have both passed away :(

Name 1 thing you love about being an adult: Making my own decisions, even though I am rather indecisive.

What would be your dream job? Being a stay at home mom would be nice! Don't think that will ever happen though. I love what I do here at Cowley though, so I would have to say that I'm in it.

What would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love? Well since I already have true love, a 100 million dollars would be nice! I'd pick love over money any day though. A life without love would be very depressing. Even if you had all that money you'd have no one to share it with.

Name 1 thing people may not know about you: I save all spiders and insects, even though I am deathly afraid of them.

Do you believe in the afterlife? Yes.

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