Thursday, August 20, 2015

Single Digits!

The wedding is only 9 days away! From 260 days, to now 9. People keep asking me: Are you nervous? Are you scared? Are you ready? Are you excited?

The answer is: All of the above.

 I want to enjoy these last 9 days of being Kaitlyn Bogart, for I will never be just Kaitlyn Bogart again. There's no ring on my finger and there hasn't been since August 7th (I got my engagement ring and wedding band soldered together). I took my engagement ring in, not really realizing I would never see it just by itself again. To me, that hit me kind of hard. I realized it would never just be me again. Don't get me wrong, I love Darren with all that I am and am looking forward to our life and future together. My rings are just really symbolic to me, I think as it should be though. When Darren slips my wedding ring on at the wedding, then "we" will really be we. My woes will be his woes, my happiness will be his happiness, my sorrow will be his sorrow, and vise versa.

I'm starting to get a little emotional, and since I'm at work I better stop.

Signing out,
Kaitlyn Bogart

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