Monday, November 9, 2015

He's Gone

I can't say when and I can't say where, but he's gone. I kissed him one last time and watched him fly away until I couldn't see him anymore. It's a strange feeling not having my husband in the same state anymore, let alone the same country. I hate the feeling of the unknown, going to bed by myself, seeing his car parked in the same spot, folding his laundry one last time, making him dinners, going to the gym together, and not being able to touch him.

He feels sad too, and I know it will get better with time. In a way, I don't want to get used to this, because then it's like I am used to him being gone, but I don't want to feel this way all the time! I just miss him and want him to come home. At least this trip is for something good and important. I really could not be proud to call Darren my husband.

He has an important job to do, but so do I. I think my job will revolve around trying to be happy, keeping him in the loop of all the goings on of things back home, and supporting him. It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it in the long run. Face Time, love letters, and texts make it all a little bit easier. I hope time will start speeding up because it feels like it has been going at snail speed lately.

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